Frequently Asked Questions
Does acupuncture hurt? Does microneedling hurt?
Since acupuncture needles are so small and fine, many do not feel the needles at all. Some areas of the body can be more sensitive than others but it is much more common to feel other sensations than pain, such as warmth and heaviness. Cedar & Birch focuses on stress-relief and emotional health acupuncture protocols which often do not include sensitive areas of the body. Most start to feel the relaxing benefits of acupuncture after just a few minutes.
A thin but effective layer of a numbing-agent (lidocaine) will be applied to your face, neck and chest before performing microneedling to ensure your utmost comfort. -
How long before I see results?
For acupuncture treatment, you can feel the relaxing benefits after just a few minutes. For lasting results in improving stress and mental health, we will prescribe a treatment plan based on your needs and goals. Treatment plans can range from 6-12 treatments.
Microneedling treatment timelines vary from person to person. Typically the best results will be seen after 4-6 treatments. Results can last up to 5 years.
Cosmetic acupuncture results also vary depending on the person but usually require 6-12 treatments. Results can last up to 5 years. -
My esthetician offers microneedling too, what's the difference?
Most estheticians are only allowed to microneedle to 0.3mm depth whereas an acupuncturist is qualified and trained to microneedle .5 to 3mm. Different needle depths produce different results.
Acupuncturists also take a medical approach to your microneedling treatment by incorporating acupuncture to treat the underlying internal issues that are causing skin health disruptions. Your treatment plan may also offer other medical treatment options to amplify your results. -
How are Chinese herbs different from Western herbs?
While both herbal medicines are effective, the medical theories and ways to prescribe are different. Western herbal medicine tends to focus on one-single herb at a time while Chinese herbal medicine creates a formula using many different herbs. Chinese herbs and dosages in the formulas are tailored to each individual, giving the patient exactly what they need.
I'd like to book a retreat for my family, do you offer services for minors?
We would love to host your family retreat! Minors will need parent/guardian authorization for acupuncture and massage. Facial rejuvenation and injection services are not offered for anyone under 18 years old (they don’t need it anyway!).
What qualifications does Cedar & Birch have?
Cedar & Birch Acupuncture and Wellness LLC is licensed and insured. Dr. Rennison, DACM is a board-certified and licensed acupuncturist with a Doctorate in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine.